Finding stability
Walking a fine line, or safe in God’s infinite care?
Recently I spent a few days helping my daughter take care of her daughters while their daddy was at a business conference. I was sharing a room with my granddaughter Lily Sue, who is in preschool.O...
Stability in unstable times
Years ago I saw a carnival attraction in which the floors under your feet tipped and moved as you walked through. The fun was in trying to keep your balance while you struggled to get to the end!Ti...
In a world where instability seems all too common, the Bible offers a powerful, alternate view, one that's been time-tested through the years. The Psalmist—obviously no stranger to change, tum...
Living with certainty
If you really want to find reliable happiness, health, and security, build your life on the solid rock of spiritual understanding.
Toward a certain future
Earthquake. Terrorist attack. Major catastrophes. When these happen, people often begin to question where the world is heading. Speculation and fear about the future can give rise to predictions of...
O Thou Unchanging Truth
O Thou unchanging Truth, whose facts eternal give us the courage to outface the storm, to rise against the senses' swift alarm and stand unmoved at Spirit's high tribunal,Thy Word acquit...