Mental health

I was healed of bipolar disorder
Sadness seemed so appealing at the time because it allowed me to be a victim and blame the world for my problems. I realized, though, that I did want to be happy.
Overcoming depression with God’s love
By understanding God’s love for us, we can find peace and joy, even in the midst of struggles.
If you’re struggling with thoughts of suicide
This week’s author shares an experience his friend had in which suicidal thoughts and impulses gave way to a profound feeling of God’s love.
Healing trauma
Regardless of the tragic circumstances any of us may have endured, the spiritual perspective of reality gained through prayer is a promise of hope and healing for everyone.
Hurt people don’t have to hurt people
Today, not only have I never become who I feared, but I have dedicated my life to helping and healing people.
A refreshing and transformative approach to mental health
I needed the radical change that Christian Science brought to how I approached mental health.
How can I think about ... suicidal tendencies?
With the suicide rate on the rise, it seemed more important than ever to see what a healing approach to this issue might look like. Our guests share their own stories of freedom from suicidal impul...
How can I think about ... feeling fatalistic?
If you're worried that the world's a mess and that things are generally getting worse, this conversation is for you. As our guests discuss, tackling fatalism involves more than a rosy out...
How can I think about . . . social media?
Social media: Seems like you either love it or you hate it. Or is there a middle ground, and if so, how can you find it? This roundtable discussion explores an approach that can help you appreciate...
How can I think about . . . self-harm?
It's one of those topics that's difficult to talk about. But our guests today are so convinced that healing of the impulse to self-harm is possible that they were willing to share their h...