Economic security

Angels awaken us to divine provision
The office where I worked when I was a relatively new student of Christian Science was near a Christian Science Reading Room. I spent most of my lunch hours in its healing atmosphere, reading the w...
Good management
Each of us has the God-given capacity and desire to shine. As a manager, I’m simply there to witness to this, and to support, guide, and celebrate.
Can we trust our finances to God?
As far back as Bible times, many trusted God for their financial needs and weren’t disappointed.
An investment advisor prays about the stock market
More important than my work or going on a trip with friends was my duty to God, “investing” in getting to know God more and listening for Mind’s guidance.
Turning to God meets all needs
Spirituality isn’t synonymous with poverty. In fact, spirituality goes hand in hand with prosperity.Jesus assures us: “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the...
No more compulsive spending
The release from the bondage of compulsive spending has been lasting. This tenacious behavior completely vanished, without any attempt to use willpower or any sense of deprivation or lack.
True economy and the law of Love
God’s kingdom is an infinite, ever-present, all-embracing idea. Recognizing this, we become conscious of an economy based not on the pecuniary concerns, hopes, and wishes of a few, but on the opera...
Financial resolution through prayer
When I’ve been faced with challenges that appear to have no solution, I’ve often found the following Bible passage helpful, especially as it’s given in the Good News Translation: “What no one ever...
No shortage in God’s “supply chain”
In many places in the world today, businesses are said to be running low on all kinds of goods and services. “You name it, and we have a shortage on it,” is how the CEO of one large United States m...
Dispelling the fear of money
God’s blessing isn’t something up in the sky, a rarefied goodness that you can get only if you’re a bit of a saint. It’s here. It’s genuine. It’s solid. And it has expression in a way that makes se...