
Freed of resentment and effects of a fall
It took me a while to release thoughts of self-pity and hurt, but eventually I got up, claiming my identity as a loved and cared-for child of God.
“Mutual understanding” prayer leads to healthy relationship
The healing was even more profound than that single outcome of being released from a wrong partnership.
Separation without pain
Breaking up with someone who has been important to you can bring a sense of loss, grief, hurt, and sometimes anger. But these feelings are not inevitable. Contrary to what society suggests, separat...
The Mother Love that heals
Nothing can resist omnipotent Love. It’s a health-giving presence that allows nothing to harm us but provides everything needed to keep us safe and well.
Trusting God brings comfort, resolves conflict
I could see that I was being lovingly guided, protected, and cared for at every turn.
How could I forgive?
I sat on a bench outside, absolutely shattered by what I had just heard. A young man I had unexpectedly met informed me that his grandparents had been among the rebel forces that had killed my...
Even a small proof is still a proof!
I was raised in a Christian Science family, and I learned that Christianity was practical and provable, as Christ Jesus taught and showed his followers. I felt as though I knew how to pray, but for...
Motherhood desire fulfilled
As my Father-Mother God’s image and likeness, I possessed not only all Her mothering qualities but also opportunities to “be fruitful, and multiply” them in my experience.
The love that dissolves controversy
Our family cottage was a retreat from the commitments of everyday life. There was no television or internet. For many years there was not even a telephone. Surrounded by the peace of nature and the...
Press the reset button
At our family’s Thanksgiving holiday gatherings, we select a topic as the focus of our gratitude. One year the topic was “family.” One person said he was most grateful for family because it allows...