Overcoming loneliness

Loneliness? There is a better companion.
The powerful spiritual fact of “God with us” is a solid basis for praying about loneliness.
Where we always belong
There is no feeling of separation when we lean on and understand divine Principle, Love; any sense of a void is already filled with the one constant, reliable, ever-present All-in-all—God.
“Weep not”
According to the Gospel of Luke, on at least two occasions Christ Jesus tenderly said to those who were grieving, “Weep not.” First, to a mother who had lost her only son, then later to a ruler of...
“My best, my ever Friend”
Turning to God lifts us out of loneliness as it lifts our thinking out of darkness and despair to behold the ever-shining light of divine Love that is all around us.
Embrace the wilderness
I suddenly realized in awe how far God had brought me through this trying time, sustaining and guiding me.
Night grace
When worries trouble even peaceful night, I wake to You, O God, as if You’d brought a lantern swift to bathe me in its light,illuming the felt dark cave of my thought. Your love surrounds m...
How can we feel the Love that overcomes loneliness?
Most of us have felt lonely at some time or another, but recently the phrase “an epidemic of loneliness” has been making an appearance in headlines in several nations. In the United Kingdom the gov...
Alone? Or alone with God?
By divine design, we are each created with the spiritual capacity to turn to the waiting arms of Love.
Sacred solitude
What’s the distinction between loneliness and being alone—between a kind of “solitary confinement” and sacred solitude with God?If you search for loneliness on the Internet, you’ll get everything f...
Author Kurt Vonnegut believes that the most daring among us would "create communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured." Like any form of unhappiness or dis-e...