Economic security

Never cut off from good
I stopped fixating on what looked like limited resources and changing circumstances and prayed to be more alert to the divine Love that takes care of everyone.
Finding financial freedom
After many years of wishing to run my own business, I was finally in a position to embark on an exciting new venture to secure my family’s financial future. Following what I felt was good advice, I...
Lifted out of financial difficulty
Earlier this year, before the virus situation in the United Kingdom, my photography business had been unusually quiet. With the business turning six years old as of the beginning of April, I had le...
Financial limitations overcome
In the book of Acts, we read that “a certain man lame from his mother’s womb” was placed at the temple gate every day so he could spend the day begging worshipers for small gifts (see 3:1–11). Jesu...
Finding security in the divine economy
Mention banks and Wall Street, and conversations on the economy often gravitate to its greedy, immoral, and unscrupulous aspects. Or, they may bring up fears of unpredictability, even volatility, a...
Recently I learned that regardless of fluctuating economic...
Recently I learned that regardless of fluctuating economic conditions or other apparently limiting circumstances, we can be awake to God's provision for His children. If we obediently seek His...