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Overcoming injustice

Overcoming injustice
Christian Science Sentinel

Overcoming injustice in the workplace - Program 210

The Enron bankruptcy raised crucial issues relating to integrity and accountability in business. That debacle has shown that a breakdown of integrity in one business can affect business and society...

Christian Science Sentinel

The search for Justice

One sometimes hears the comment "There is no justice." But you won't hear that from this attorney. He believes strongly not only that justice is possible, but that it is often served...

Christian Science Sentinel

On fire about injustice?

No matter what kind of injustice you face, the only healing response is in expressing the love of Christ.

Christian Science Sentinel

No injustice too small or too large to be healed

Two people next to me in line at the post office were discussing world conditions. One said: "I have to admit that injustices of any sort are the hardest thing in life for me to deal with. The...

The Christian Science Journal

Justice is for all

The quality of justice is always safely out of human hands and in God's keeping. Though all human resources and recourses should utterly fail, divine justice would remain demonstrable— supreme...

The Christian Science Journal

Divine Justice Overcomes Human Injustice

Perhaps no need is greater today than that of correcting the ills of the world in a just and right way. Many action groups are busy searching for and urging ways of reform. Some are taking extreme...

Christian Science Sentinel

The Role of Justice

The attributes of God play great roles in the drama of human life. As we scan the Bible, we see how these attributes gradually made their entrance on the human scene. The fidelity of Abraham, the i...

Christian Science Sentinel


However mortal experience may obscure God's justice, that justice is a universal fact. Being universal, justice is available to all. By means of it, all good is possible of achievement. But to...

Christian Science Sentinel


Justice is a universal fact. It characterizes God's will, and His will is the omnipresent law of being. Christian Science demonstrates justice because this Science is divine law, and justice i...

