Mental health

Just coming into Christian Science a year and a half ago, I am, one step at a time, falling in love with Love, God. And each step of growth has brought me more and more blessings.In 1985, I agreed...
For years I dealt with an on-and-off struggle with suicidal depression. It plagued me from middle school to my first year of college. Christian Science treatment brought me through this time and ef...
You're not alone on the road to mental health
Beyond suffering with emotional disturbance—much more than merely coping, scientific prayer seeks and finds true freedom.
Invincible depression? I don't think so!
A woman's tendency to feel constant gloom, heaviness, and concern about hereditary depression ends with the spiritual understanding that "life is for enjoying."
Help with depression
Millions of people struggle with depression. In fact, more than 40 million new prescriptions were written for antidepressants during the year 2000. IMS Health, "By the millions," USA...
Suicidal thoughts are gone for good
As far back as my adolescent years I remember making suicidal threats when I was unhappy. No one took it seriously, and I never made any attempt to carry my threats out. But it set a pattern of sui...
The night I stopped thinking about suicide
She'd considered committing suicide for months. Then one night she started thinking about escape instead. The switch set her free to live her life happily.
Even though I'm not a Christian Scientist, I have, without a doubt, had a healing.For years I battled with drugs and alcohol, but even after I quit, I suffered from depression. I sought medica...
Transformed mental health
I First struggled with depression as a teenager, but could usually brush it aside. There were a few times, however, when it became quite severe. Later, I underwent psychotherapy for the depression...
God's universal love dissolves suicidal feelings
Philip G. Davis of Washington, D.C., talked with Sentinel—Radio Edition producer Susan Kerr about facing depression in his teenage years.Susan: Phil, I know being a teenager wasn't an easy tim...