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The Christian Science Monitor Daily News Briefing provides an editorially curated perspective on important news of the day. Each issue provides a daily commentary from the editors, abridged versions of five key stories, an Editorial, the Christian Science perspective article, and a Top Headlines column. Insights gained from the Monitor can support and strengthen your prayers for the world. For the latest news and 24/7 access to Monitor content, you can also visit
Despite cheap oil prices, alternative fuels such as solar continue to improve technologically -- and attract consumers.
Battered by civil conflict, divided by rival governments, threatened by Islamic State, Libya finally may have a path back to stability.
Elected leaders in South Africa and Brazil face crises of their own making.
The 'Panama Papers' exposes a global web used by the wealthy and connected to hide assets and shield them from taxation.
Brussels shows the need to remain rigorously vigilant. But developments in the Islamic State itself tell a different story.
As with containing nuclear weapons, international cooperation is vital in keeping terrorists from developing a 'dirty bomb.'
The Republican primary has exposed deep rifts in the party that might be difficult to resolve in November or thereafter.
A Supreme Court deadlock and a minimum wage proposal in California.
Palmyra's liberation is a small win in the war against Islamic State but a victory for the values of the civilized world.
The Islamic State wants to promote a certain view of itself to the world. But that's not always the most accurate picture.