The third in a three-part series, this book follows the life of Mary Baker Eddy from 1892 to her passing in 1910. In those years Eddy established The Mother Church in Boston, saw her movement spread around the world, wrestled with the problem of spiritual authority in an increasingly secular society, and founded The Christian Science Monitor.
The Years of Authority
- Prefatory Note
- Prologue
- Pleasant View, Varying Views
- Discoverer and Founder
- “ …designed to be built…”
- Movement with Momentum
- Interlude: Political
- The Woman and the Serpent
- "…remains to be proved…"
- Interlude: Semantic
- Private Faces, Public Places
- The World at the Front Door
- Window on a New World
- Quod Erat Demonstrandum
- Epilogue
- Appendices
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The third in a three-part series, this book follows the life of Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, from 1892 to her passing in 1910. In those years Eddy established The Mother Church in Boston, saw her movement spread around the world, wrestled with the problem of spiritual authority in an increasingly secular society, and founded The Christian Science Monitor.
Published between 1966 and 1977, Robert Peel’s groundbreaking three-part biography has proven invaluable to Eddy biographers in the succeeding years. Undertaken with extensive access to Church archives, these carefully researched and documented books provide a thorough and insightful glimpse into the life and times of Mary Baker Eddy and the early history of the Church of Christ, Scientist.