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Daily News Briefing

The Daily News Briefing is no longer being produced, and new Briefings will no longer be added as part of JSH-Online.

Although the Monitor's new premium news product, the Monitor Daily, is not included as part of a JSH-Online subscription, JSH-Online subscribers receive email and web access to the Monitor Daily through May 19 at no additional charge and are also eligible to subscribe to the Monitor Daily at a discounted rate.

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The Christian Science Monitor Daily News Briefing provides an editorially curated perspective on important news of the day. Each issue provides a daily commentary from the editors, abridged versions of five key stories, an Editorial, the Christian Science perspective article, and a Top Headlines column. Insights gained from the Monitor can support and strengthen your prayers for the world. For the latest news and 24/7 access to Monitor content, you can also visit

Relations between the US, Iran, and Iraqi Shiites are unlikely to be free from suspicion any time soon. But they can still work together.

Normalizing relations with those two long-isolated nations has risks, but it could make the world safer.

Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew may not have stirred hearts, but he helped millions of Asians pursue peace and prosperity.

A ruinous religious war

The Sunni-Shiite conflict can have no winners. Eventually, all sides will see that.

The Israeli-Palestinian peace process is too important to let political gamesmanship derail it.

By aggressively staking claims on reefs and shoals throughout the South China Sea, China is alienating its closest neighbors.

The Tunisia museum attack and others like it indicate that terrorist groups are beleaguered on the battlefield.

Israeli voters are making a decision that will have far-reaching implications.

'Next best' diplomacy

A shift by the US on Syria is a recognition that four years of war has created new realities.

One man, many questions

Whatever the cause of Vladimir Putin's absence, Russians have another reason to question a system that vests so much power in the hands of one man.