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Submission form

Thank you for contributing to the Christian Science periodicals. Please complete the submission form below to have your piece considered for publication.

Contact with any questions. Our Editorial Team will get back to you in 3–5 business days.


This form is for written submissions, and there is a separate submission process for Daily Lift and Image and Inspiration contributions.

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Content tips

  • Please submit your piece only once—one version, in one language.
  • Please save a copy of your submission for your records.

What is verification?

Each published healing is verified by at least three people to uphold its integrity and validity. There are two types of verifiers—witnesses to the healing and those who didn't witness the healing but are vouching for your integrity. Of your verifiers, one must be a Christian Scientist and at least two must be people outside your family. You are not responsible for getting the verifications; the staff editor will contact the individuals you list on your submission form. Poetry submissions do not require verification.

Verifier #1

Verifier #2

Verifier #3

Verifier #4

Verifier #5

Verifier #6

Agreement details

JSH Contributor

We appreciate your contributions to the publications of The Christian Science Publishing Society ("CSPS"). Because CSPS operates in the United States, this Agreement is written according to United States law. The assignment of copyright in this Agreement is intended to be a transfer of your entire and exclusive rights in the Contributions (as defined below) to CSPS, giving CSPS as much freedom as possible to use the Contributions in fulfilling its mission of publishing. CSPS intends to publish many or all of its publications in perpetuity. Some of the Publications are the "organs of The Mother Church," and CSPS intends to publish them in accordance with the Manual of The Mother Church, so that the Christian Science Board of Directors may "see that these periodicals are ably edited and kept abreast of the times" (Art. VIII Sec.14). Doing so may require CSPS to update the media and methods of distribution of these Publications to meet future needs.

I Agree to the Terms of the Copyright Assignment, License, and Release Agreement below:

Copyright Assignment

In return for the opportunity to participate or for other consideration, I hereby assign to The Christian Science Publishing Society, 210 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, MA ("CSPS") the copyright, which includes all the privileges of copyright as defined in the copyright laws of the U.S. and other countries, in my written text contribution and audio and/or audio-visual recordings (if any) submitted with or otherwise identified in this Agreement  (referred to herein as "Contributions"), with the understanding that such Contributions may be published by CSPS in its publications, including but not limited to The Christian Science Journal, Christian Science Sentinel, The Herald of Christian Science, as the article on Christian Science in The Christian Science Monitor, on Christian Science JSH-Online, in JSH Chats, Podcasts, and other audio and/or audiovisual programming, in CSPS topical pamphlets, books, and collections, and in any other publications and websites maintained by CSPS and/or its licensees (the "Publications").

I agree the Contributions may be exclusively published, broadcast, transmitted, displayed, performed, or otherwise distributed by CSPS and its licensees worldwide in the Publications, including, without limitation, in electronic, print, audio and/or audiovisual media or formats distributed by means of radio, TV, Internet, and other distribution methods.

Because this is a copyright assignment, I agree that beyond initial publication in print, any subsequent use of my Contributions by CSPS or its licensees will not require my further permission or approval and may include, but not be limited to, uses in: (1) further editions, revisions, recordings, and derivatives of the Publications, (2) compilations, collections, and databases of content derived from the Publications, and (3) any and all formats, media, and distribution methods now known or devised in the future, including  converting or adapting the Publications to be compatible with new media and technologies.

I also irrevocably relinquish for the benefit of CSPS and its assigns any moral rights in my Contributions which may be recognized by applicable law. CSPS's standard practice is to have the Author review text Contributions before first publication. However, I agree that CSPS may make minor edits to text Contributions before first publication and may edit Contributions without my review when they are reprinted or republished. Recordings of text Contributions will be made by CSPS or provided by me and will replicate the final form of the text. Such recordings may be edited without my review: (1) to reflect any corrections or edits made to the final text, and (2) when republished. Except when anonymity has been requested, my name, city, state or province, country, and any other biographical information I provide may be included or omitted with my Contributions as CSPS deems appropriate.

Release—Images of Me or Recordings of My Voice

My image, likeness, and voice may be included in audio and/or audio-visual recordings of Contributions, made by CSPS or provided by me or others to CSPS. I consent to CSPS and its licensees unrestricted use of my name, voice, image, likeness, statements, and biographical information  in connection with these recordings and my Contributions, in accordance with any and all uses described herein and as CSPS deems appropriate, in any and all media, formats, and distribution methods now known or developed in the future, including without limitation in print, audio, audiovisual, electronic, Internet, and promotional and advertising uses.

I also agree that all audio and audiovisual recordings of me created by CSPS and used in reliance on this Release, and any derivative works into which such recordings are incorporated, are and shall remain CSPS's sole and exclusive property.

Other Terms

I represent and warrant that my Contributions are original works and do not violate any copyright or other rights of any person or organization.

If any provision of this Agreement conflicts with the law under which this Agreement is to be construed or if any such provision is held invalid or unenforceable by a court with jurisdiction over the parties to this Agreement:  (i) such provision will be restated to reflect as nearly as possible the original intentions of the parties in accordance with applicable law; and (ii) the remaining terms, provisions, covenants, and restrictions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect.

This Copyright Assignment, License, and Release Agreement shall be binding on my heirs, executors, administrators, next of kin and legal representatives and shall be governed by the laws of the United States of America and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts without regard to their choice of law principles. I agree that my acceptance of these terms through the electronic submission process provided shall be deemed an original and valid signature.

last updated 1/18/2017
After you submit
  • Look for a confirmation email within 24 hours after you submit your piece. If you don't get a confirmation email, please email us at to ensure we received your submission.
  • Add and to your email safe list or contacts list to ensure that you receive future communications. You may also want to regularly check your spam folder, in case any emails end up there.
  • If you want to submit a musical recording of your submission, please note that a supplemental agreement will be required.

