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Daily News Briefing

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The Christian Science Monitor Daily News Briefing provides an editorially curated perspective on important news of the day. Each issue provides a daily commentary from the editors, abridged versions of five key stories, an Editorial, the Christian Science perspective article, and a Top Headlines column. Insights gained from the Monitor can support and strengthen your prayers for the world. For the latest news and 24/7 access to Monitor content, you can also visit

Raising hope in Italy

When big things break, a different kind of genius is needed: improvisation.

A Syrian step forward

Despite all the diplomatic twists and turns since the attack – and the logistical difficulties involved in securing the weapons in a war zone – the neutralization of Assad’s chemical arsenal is about to begin.

The economic crisis that unfolded five years ago this week is behind us, though its after-effects are still being felt.

Words can commit people in ways that aren’t apparent when they utter them. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s op-ed in The New York Times yesterday may be an example of that.

The one certainty is that an imminent US military strike on Syria – with all the political and military fallout that might have entailed – has been put off.

The bar of public sentiment, reflected by Congress and seen in recent opinion polls, is naturally high when it comes to military intervention. 

It’s not light at the end of the tunnel, but it is a glimmer.

Before cellphone videos and social media, it was easier to look the other way. The pressure to do something in Syria is being driven in large part by disturbing images that pour out of the conflict.

President Obama and Congress are weighing three possible outcomes in considering military action in Syria.

President Obama is clearly struggling with Syria policy.