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The Christian Science Monitor Daily News Briefing provides an editorially curated perspective on important news of the day. Each issue provides a daily commentary from the editors, abridged versions of five key stories, an Editorial, the Christian Science perspective article, and a Top Headlines column. Insights gained from the Monitor can support and strengthen your prayers for the world. For the latest news and 24/7 access to Monitor content, you can also visit
Amid otherwise encouraging economic news, difficulties for some countries can pose problems for all.
Iraq's dangerous lessons for Afghanistan.
A major shift seems to have taken place in world news. It won't be the last.
By almost every measure, humanity is making progress. And more people are acknowledging that.
The regime's apparent fear of a Hollywood comedy shows how vulnerable it is.
Art and entertainment are often controversial. But those who attempt to censor reveal their own lack of confidence.
As with President Nixon's opening with China, President Obama's with Cuba could have far-reaching consequences.
After more than half a century of estrangement, the US and Cuba seek normal relations.
Mounting economic problems could be a moment that leads to change for the better.
Democracies always struggle with how to protect themselves without sacrificing their values.