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The Christian Science Monitor Daily News Briefing provides an editorially curated perspective on important news of the day. Each issue provides a daily commentary from the editors, abridged versions of five key stories, an Editorial, the Christian Science perspective article, and a Top Headlines column. Insights gained from the Monitor can support and strengthen your prayers for the world. For the latest news and 24/7 access to Monitor content, you can also visit
The migrant crisis is likely to continue until sustainable development takes hold in nations from which migrants are fleeing.
Hillary Clinton’s pledge to reform campaign spending amounts to unilateral disarmament.
The traditional, one-size-fits-all Election Day is evolving into a rolling election season as early voting spreads.
This election caps a trend of Americans turning their political parties into clearer racial and religious 'tribes.' That's one reason the choices feel so stark.
The three presidential debates and a wealth of information about candidates and polices should be plenty to help the undecided to decide.
Amid the clamor of the US presidential race, it's important not to overlook hopeful developments in the world.
Thailand’s beloved monarch has bequeathed a political vacuum.
Winning the war against IS is important for the Iraqi government. Winning the peace afterward is even more important.
Taking lessons learned from solving the ozone crisis, nearly 200 countries have banded together to take a simple, powerful step to address climate change
Bob Dylan, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature, has uniquely married memorable – if at times inscrutable – poetry with music.