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Daily News Briefing

The Daily News Briefing is no longer being produced, and new Briefings will no longer be added as part of JSH-Online.

Although the Monitor's new premium news product, the Monitor Daily, is not included as part of a JSH-Online subscription, JSH-Online subscribers receive email and web access to the Monitor Daily through May 19 at no additional charge and are also eligible to subscribe to the Monitor Daily at a discounted rate.

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The Christian Science Monitor Daily News Briefing provides an editorially curated perspective on important news of the day. Each issue provides a daily commentary from the editors, abridged versions of five key stories, an Editorial, the Christian Science perspective article, and a Top Headlines column. Insights gained from the Monitor can support and strengthen your prayers for the world. For the latest news and 24/7 access to Monitor content, you can also visit

One day in August

While better laws and improved security might help deter the incomprehensible cruelty of mass shootings, prayer is the real refuge.

Donald Trump is bringing to the fore many difficult conversations that are crucial to the future of the United States. But there is a need for grace, too.

A milestone for women

Whatever your political preferences, you saw history made when Hillary Clinton accepted her party's nomination for president.

The Russia factor

Hacking charges against Moscow, if proven, would further complicate the relationship between Russia and the US.

Net neutrality

China clamps down on digital news reporting and shuts off a potential safety valve

Party reform

Whatever the outcome on Nov. 8, both major US political parties will need significant structural changes to rebuild their credibility.

Politics is not just about the candidates. Ultimately it’s about us, the voters. We need to hear and respect each others’ voices in this campaign, even those we will never agree with.

An 'America first' GOP

Donald Trump's view of the US role in the world is a departure from 70 years of Republican and Democratic internationalism.

Russia's tarnished gold

It's not just honest Olympic athletes who were cheated by Russia's massive doping program. Russian athletes were too.

Money talks

A rollback of untraceable campaign funding should be a priority for both presidential candidates.