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Mrs. Glover herself had clipped out of the Banner of Light in December, 1869, the long reports of a series of lectures by Professor William Denton on the origin and antiquity of man—a popular exposition of new geological and biological discoveries, espousing Darwinism against the “Jewish Jehovah” and biblical fundamentalism.8

Other items she cut from the same paper show why, for a time, she felt it necessary to keep an eye on that spiritualist organ. Words akin to her own but used in a context which gave them a meaning abhorrent to her were cropping up in it from time to time. One article in 1869, for instance, had declared, “How to drive away error with truth, is the highest practical teaching; and such teaching, in its own nature, is a direct emanation from the Divine Mind.”9

She appears not to have found it worthwhile to scan the paper after 1869, but occasional phrases in it continued to show linguistic resemblances. An article early in 1871 addressed “God. . . who art our Father in wisdom and our Mother in love,” and “Thou Infinite and Perfect Principle of Life,” explaining that “he is not a personal God, . . . but . . . he exists as the Great Mind Force of the Universe.”10 If these phrases were not to be attributed to literary poltergeists,11 then they must be the result of the Zeitgeist, but they in no wise endeared spiritualism to Mrs. Glover. In a copy of The Radical which Sarah Bagley sent her she marked her approval of an article attacking on scientific grounds the spiritualist habit of attributing everything to the agency of spirits, underlining especially one sentence: “This is the old spirit of theology, which, in this form, has only changed base.”12


8 [“Prof. Denton at Music Hall,” Banner of Light, 4 December 1869, p. 2, Subject File, Banner of Light Clippings - Miscellaneous Dates 1869, February 1870 and undated, MBEL.]


9 [“About Spiritualism,” Banner of Light, 9 October 1869, p. 2, Subject File, Banner of Light Clippings - Miscellaneous Dates 1869, February 1870 and undated, MBEL.]


10 [“Message Department,” Banner of Light, 4 February 1871, p. 6; W. S. Reynolds, “Spiritualists vs. Creeds,” Banner of Light, 21 January 1871, p. 2.


11 Mrs. Eddy on several occasions referred back to some person or persons as having surreptitiously copied passages from her earliest manuscripts and put them into circulation. 


12 See “The Paradox of Spiritualism,” The Radical, June 1869, PE00206, p. 49, MBEL. This same issue contained a conversation with A. Bronson Alcott which includes the sentence: “And are not all men [God], as far as they resemble him, as they are born out of their senses,—that is, born again into the Spirit and mind of God?” J. M. W. Yerrington, “Personal Theism. A Conversation. By A. Bronson Alcott,” p. 23 [bracketed text Peel’s].

