Online Sentinel Watch programs:
Hear from Christian Scientists from all walks of life, including Journal-listed Christian Science practitioners and teachers, discussing Christian Science and how it teaches about God’s healing power on the Sentinel Watch page.
Current and upcoming programs
March 24, 2025
Healings can be quick!
Guest: Carolyn Keith
There’s a passage by Mary Baker Eddy that reads, “Accidents are unknown to God . . .” (Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 424). Can you really believe that if you’ve had an accident? This week’s guest, Carolyn Keith, not only believes it, she’s put it into practice—and with swift results.
March 31, 2025
When healing feels like a journey
Guest: Eric Bashor
If you’re familiar with spiritual healing as taught in Christian Science, you probably know that quick healing is not only possible, but also that it happens frequently. But what can you do when a situation doesn’t resolve so immediately? Today’s guest, Eric Bashor, shares what he learned when the healing he was praying for felt like more of a journey.
April 7, 2025
Searching for a job?
Guest: Scott Thompson and Catherine de Jocas
If you’re unemployed or underemployed and feeling desperate, you’ve probably exhausted all the standard avenues for finding a job. Have you tried turning to God? Scott Thompson and Catherine de Jocas have, and wonderful things have happened because of that.
April 14, 2025
Rising out of regret
Guest: Ann Kneeland
Feeling haunted by regret? You don’t have to be. This week’s guest, Ann Kneeland, shares how she found the inspiration to deal with feelings of regret after a divorce. Through prayer, she learned that when we better understand our relation to God, Love, we leave regret behind.
April 21, 2025
Healing acute and chronic pain
Guest: Tony Lobl
Pain can be healed. But how? That’s the question our guest, Tony Lobl, is exploring on Sentinel Watch this week. He’s been freed from pain multiple times as he’s turned to God for healing—and he’s happy to share what he’s learned with our listeners.
Past programs - past programs are available on the Sentinel Watch page on
Online El Heraldo Edición Radial programs:
Revisit relevant radio programs from the El Heraldo archive on the El Heraldo Edición Radial page. Included below are the dates that each program should broadcast for Saturday or Sunday broadcasts. For broadcasting-related questions, please reach us at
January 2025
HSPR 2501 - January 4/5: Tu potencial ilimitado [Your unlimited potential]
Leide Lessa – Mirta Piccoli - María Fernanda Lara Hernández - Patricia del Castillo – Consuelo Mendoza
HSPR 2502 - January 11/12: Optando por la certeza y no la suerte [Choosing certainty and not chance]
Monica Passaglia – Ana Maria Medina - Maria Luisa Jandete - Patricia del Castillo
HSPR 2503 - January 18/19: Curación en la Ciencia Cristiana: vidas transformadas [Christian Science healing—transformed lives]
Jose Rodriguez Pelaez – María Bustelo - Patricia del Castillo
HSPR 2504 - January 25/26: ¿Hay algo que sea inevitable? [Is there such a thing as the inevitable?]
Christiane West Little - Sarita Prieto - Jorge Trujillo Ortiz
February 2025
HSPR 2505 - February 1/2: El poder de la razon espiritual [The power of spiritual reasoning]
Christiane West Little – Patricia del Castillo – Estanislao Mosca - Ana María Castro - Carlos Quintero – Consuelo Mendoza
HSPR 2506 - February 8/9: Curación espiritual: permanente [The permanence of spiritual healing]
Christiane West Little – Fausto Corral Dominguez – Consuelo Mendoza
HSPR 2507 - February 15/16: La armonía en el matrimonio [Harmony in marriage]
Gladys Pombo – Christiane West Little – Ingrid Butaya – Myriam Huart – Patricia del Castillo – Consuelo Mendoza
HSPR 2508 - February 22/23: Hay un hogar para todos [There is a home for everyone]
Lorenzo Rodriguez – Irma Partida Montalvo – Juana Cuadros de Gonzalez – Ada Barrionuevo – Patricia del Castillo
March 2025
HSPR 2509 - March 1/2: Unidos a través de la Biblia [United through the Bible]
Leide Lessa – Juana Cuadros de González – Myriam Huart
HSPR 2510 - March 8/9: Una comunicación incesante [A constant communication]
Mari Milone – María Gasco Godoy - Aselia Hernandez - Patricia del Castillo – Gabriela Horbaty – C. Quintero
HSPR 2511 - March 15/16: Un pensador independiente [An independent thinker]
Christiane West Little - Laura Rojas - Ascención Juan Martínez - Consuelo Mendoza
HSPR 2512 - March 22/23: Volviéndonos como niños [Become like a little child]
Mari Milone – Clarisa Hernandez Quiñonez - Esmeralda Victoria Prieto - Hilda Vasquez - Patricia del Castillo
HSPR 2513 - March 29/30: Provisión de hogar [A home provided]
Christiane West Little - Lisette Wöhlke de Schuller – Mercedes Gonzalez
April 2025
HSPR 2514 - April 5/6: Venga Tu reino [Thy kingdom come]
Jose Rodriguez Pelaez – Christiane West Little - Analia Jurado Salgado - Patricia del Castillo – Consuelo Mendoza
HSPR 2515 - April 12/13: “La belleza es una cosa de la vida” ["Beauty is a thing of life"]
Mari Milone – Claudia Pazos - Ingrid Butaya - Patricia del Castillo – Consuelo Mendoza – Carlos Quintero
HSPR 2516 - April 19/20: Pascuas 2012 [Easter 2012]
Christiane West Little – Jose Rodriguez Pelaez – Maritza Añez - Gloria Cecilia Caro - Patricia del Castillo
HSPR 2517 - April 26/27: Nunca estamos separados de Dios [Never separated from God]
Christiane West Little - Lucille Hernández Gregory - Mercedes Gonzalez