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Online Sentinel Watch programs:

Hear from Christian Scientists from all walks of life, including Journal-listed Christian Science practitioners and teachers, discussing Christian Science and how it teaches about God’s healing power on the Sentinel Watch page. 

Current and upcoming programs

July 15, 2024

Our role in world events
Guest: Lynn Jackson

It can sometimes feel as if the end of the world is near, especially when everyone’s talking about it. The media and other means of conversation can contribute to this tactic called fear-mongering. This week’s guest, Lynn Jackson, shares practical spiritual ideas on how to pray about fear in our own lives and for the world.

July 22, 2024

Our role in world events (part two)
Guest: Allison J. Rose-Sonnesyn

Our guest, Allison Rose-Sonnesyn, worked for the United States Congress drafting legislation and negotiating with policy stakeholders. She shares how understanding God as the source of true government helped her overcome political divisions in both her work and in her community. Allison has some compelling stories that show how we each play an important role in healing conflict in our lives and beyond.

July 29, 2024

How I quit drinking and drugs 
Guest: A. J. Kiser

This week’s guest, A. J. Kiser, shares just how transformative studying Christian Science can be. Hear how he broke free from his partying lifestyle once he knew he’d found something that was more fulfilling.

Past programs - past programs are available on the Sentinel Watch page on

Online El Heraldo Edición Radial programs:

Revisit relevant radio programs from the El Heraldo archive on the El Heraldo Edición Radial page. Included below are the dates that each program should broadcast for Saturday or Sunday broadcasts. For broadcasting-related questions, please reach us at

July 2024

HSPR 2427 - July 6th/7th: Dios sabe lo que Ud. Necesita ['Take no thought'-God knows your needs]
Gladys Pombo – Claudia Pazos - Christiane West Little – Carmen Oliva - Patricia del Castillo – Consuelo Mendoza

HSPR 2428 - July 13th/14th: Hay un hogar para todos [There is a home for everyone]
Lorenzo Rodriguez – Irma Partida Montalvo - Juana Cuadros de Gonzalez - Ada Barrionuevo - Patricia del Castillo

HSPR 2429 - July 20th/21st: Curación en la Ciencia Cristiana: vidas transformadas [Christian Science healing—transformed lives]
Jose Rodriguez Pelaez – María Bustelo - Patricia del Castillo

HSPR 2430 - July 27th/28th: El pan nuestro de cada día [Our daily bread]
Monica Passaglia – Shirley Gonzalez Rubio - Arturo Gudiño - Patricia del Castillo – Ifigenia Xifre – Consuelo Mendoza

August 2024

HSPR 2431 - August 3rd/4th: Un pasado sin remordimientos [A past without regrets] 
Monica Passaglia – María Antonia Caporizzo - Mayra Gonzalez - Patricia del Castillo

HSPR 2432 - August 10th/11th: En dónde está la provisión diaria [Where is our daily supply] 
Cristina Minola - María Emilia Aprile

HSPR 2433 - August 17th/18th: Las noticias que nos instan a orar [News Alert-Prayer Alert]
Monica Passaglia - Cristina Kuschill - Walter Tomeo - Patricia del Castillo – Consuelo Mendoza – Carlos Quintero

HSPR 2434 - August 24th/25th: El cielo y el infierno [Heaven and hell]
Jose Rodriguez Pelaez - Maria Jose Ocaña - Susana Rivarola de Vidal - Irene Reina Perales – Consuelo Mendoza

HSPR 2435 - August 31st/September 1st: Curación espiritual: permanente [The permanence of spiritual healing]
Christiane West Little - Fausto Corral Dominguez - Consuelo Mendoza