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Over 130 years of healing and inspiration

Read articles and testimonies in a contemporary, easy-to-read format with enlargeable type. Or take a look inside the original print magazines, from the first issue in 1883 to today’s latest JournalSentinel, and Herald.

Journal Issues (1883-today)

"...designed to put on record the divine Science of Truth."
—Mary Baker Eddy (Miscellany 353:11-12)

Sentinel Issues (1898-today)

"...intended to hold guard over Truth, Life, and Love."
—Mary Baker Eddy (Miscellany 353:12-13)


Audio events, articles, and full issues from the Christian Science Journal, Sentinel, and Herald.

God's law of adjustment

Easy-to-share pamphlets, anthologies, and special editions on a variety of topics.

Herald Issues

DE HER cover

Herold-Ausgaben (ab 1908)

„... die allumfassende Wirksamkeit und Verfügbarkeit der Wahrheit zu verkünden ..."
– Mary Baker Eddy

ES HER cover

Números de El Heraldo (1946-hasta la fecha)

"... para proclamar la actividad y disponibilidad universales de la Verdad..."
– Mary Baker Eddy

FR hER cover

Números du Héraut (depuis 1918)

« ... proclamer l'activité et l'accessibilité universelles de la Vérité toujours disponible... »
– Mary Baker Eddy

PT HER cover

Edições dO Arauto (desde 1951)

"...para anunciar a atividade e disponibilidade universal da Verdade..."
– Mary Baker Eddy

